COVID-19 - Day 30 SSRSHTF (since shit really started hitting the
Life went from pending uncertainty at the beginning of March to
near worse-case certainty now, on the last day of the month. While the known
cases and fatalities continue to rise rapidly, far more people are taking the
crisis seriously and doing what is recommended, at least when convenient. There
are still some overreacting and too many under-reacting, but we are a nation of
extremes, it seems.
Personally, aside from moving from an actual classroom to a
"virtual" one, my life is not overly complicated by this. Complying
with the directives issued by the authorities as advised by the experts has not
been very difficult. My gas tank in my car has been close to full for about two
weeks. My supply of necessities has been adequate without over-stocking on anything,
despite the temporary shortages caused by those who did and the things that are
not necessities are well stocked as well.
I have not gained any weight nor am I eating my boredom away,
probably because solitude doesn't bore me. The only thing that has changed
noticeably is that, now that I can sleep later because I do not have to commute
to work, I do - and that means I stay up later. And later. And later. I am
falling back into my natural nocturnal pattern and, although I don't
necessarily see that as a problem, if I let it get out of control, reeling it
back in could be a bit of a chore. Been there, done that, got the t-shirt.

Today I have some loose ends to tie up for my students and I am getting
some things in place for when class resumes next week. The weather this week is
going to be gradually warming, but even today, with the temperature hitting in
the upper 60s, with clear skies, it is perfect for a ride. And I will ride sometime this week for sure. I can go at least 150 miles without stopping for gas,
food, a bathroom or anything – I can be 100% isolated on the road for 150 miles
that begins and ends right here. But not today, In addition to a little bit of
work, I also will do a little bit of work on my motorcycle. It’s also a damned
fine day to do that. No reason to “pass the time” with TV, Facebook, sleep, or food.
Boredom isn’t real, it is a state of mind – it is a choice. Life goes on, it’s
just another day and another adventure.