I have written more blog entries this past year than I have
since 2010. It was not an accident, I went into the new year with that goal in
mind. It was not, however, a “New Year’s resolution.” My only resolution of
that sort for the past many years was a resolution not to make any New Year’s
resolutions. I have succeeded. But a goal to write more can be made anytime.
Mine was not specific, it had no number attached to it. Just meaning to has accomplished
what I meant to do. This will be my 35th entry this year and unless
something monumental happens between now and the next few hours, it will be the

While I have been paid for my writing, I am not, currently,
a professional writer. I could, maybe, make a living at it, but I am not
sufficiently motivated to do all the things that are not writing to make writing a viable source of income. The marketing,
in general terms, it takes to get and remain in the public eye, to find “customers”
for my art is not something I am good at. It takes a mindset that does not fit
well with my psyche. Selling anything, and especially selling myself, is not
something I desire. I have written before that part of why I write – part of
the reason most people write – is to be read. We want others to see a piece of
our souls, we have a need to leave part of ourselves behind. This is true of
all artists. But where some seek fortune and
fame, I seek neither. But I do hope others will read what I have written
and get something out of it.
This has been an eventful year, but is difficult to view it
in isolation. Time doesn’t recognized the boundaries we place on it. Many of
the big things that happened this year had their roots in last year and in
years prior to that. My youngest son was in a near fatal motorcycle accident in
late 2018. His recovery, while not complete, at least saw him return to work
this year. My middle son was married last year, his first son and my fourth
grandson arrived this year. My then girlfriend moved in last year, I ended that
relationship this year. My annual motorcycle pilgrimage to Sturgis took me
though Canada for the first time this year, but that trip (like all Sturgis
rides) was planned the year before. And there is more, much more. However,
working within these artificial boundaries we seem so compelled to use, 2019
was a good year.

In the meantime, a new decade is upon me. I am 57 years old
and lucky to have lived this long. That much is never lost on me; several close
calls and one direct hit very well could have punched my ticket, yet I am still
here. The longer I live, the more each and every individual day means to me.
They are not all good, but most are not bad. The coming year comes without a
lot of balls in the air, my life is pretty peaceful. At the end of the day,
that is what I desire most – peace. On Facebook, I have created a location
called “Tranquility Base v2.1.” The “v2.1” part comes from the reestablishment of
serenity after a tumultuous part of the summer and because there are already too many locations on Facebook named “Tranquility
Base” (if I’m being completely honest, it is more the latter than the former).
There is a fine line between peace and being a doormat. Just
letting everything go in the name of peace is not peace. Sometimes radical and
uncomfortable things must be done – a stand must be taken – to have peace. I
have done that. I will, in all likelihood, have to do it again. But at this
point in my life, with – generously – only about 30 years left to live, I will
settle for nothing less.