The first iPhone was
released in June, 2007. At the time, I was using a Blackberry, what was
considered to be the most advanced phone of the time. It was not, however, the
first "smart phone" I ever owned. A few years earlier, Nokia released
its version of a smart phone - a phone that could not only send and receive
email, but one that could also access the new-at-the-time World Wide Web -
about ten years before the iPhone. The Nokia 9000 Communicator is sometimes recognized as
the second smart phone, behind HP's hybridization of their palmtop computer
with a Nokia phone. Without splitting too many hairs, it's safe to say the
Nokia 9000 was a the first fully integrated smart phone. And I had one in 1999.
I was working for a small cellular retailer and the rep from Nokia gave me one.
It had already been superseded by a more advanced model, but it did what no
cellular device before it could.
Fast-forward through a
series of excellent Nokia, Ericsson and Motorola phones, each with more
features and more power, when the Blackberry emerged as the first phone that could
really do email well. It also had a full QWERTY keyboard. That was my phone
when we rang in 2007. When the first iPhone launched, I was impressed, but not
to the point of running out to get one. I didn't even bother to go to a store to see one as I
was happy with my Blackberry. It had some web capability (remember that the web
was far less robust than it is now) and I had no "need" for any of the other stuff the iPhone offered. That word, "need," can be interpreted
in a number of ways, however, and part of the genius of Steven Jobs was not
just to foresee what the market would want, but to actually create that need.
It was not until I
actually held one in my hand that I needed one. Okay, I wanted one. The design
was beautiful, the engineering was precise and the interface was pure magic. It happened at a vocational event for a local high school while I was working as a reporter at
the Colfax Record, manning our information table. The representative at a neighboring table
had one and was using the exquisitely soft microfiber cloth that came with
every iPhone to wipe her already pristine devise. It was more than just mere
adoration, she looked as though she truly loved this handheld device. And she
actually let me hold it, just for a minute. It was hefty, solid, not at all
chintzy like so many cell phones had become. It was sleek, glimmering and
tight; every seem, every joint and every transition was perfect and as an
entire unit, it was in perfect harmony with itself. Nothing didn’t belong. When
I handed it back, she immediately wiped off whatever fingerprints I might have
left and set it down in front of her, gazing upon it.

I bought my first iPhone days later, but I should make a
couple of things clear. First, I am exaggerating my exposition neighbor’s adulation.
It was certainly novelty, but her love for her iPhone was nothing like I just
described it. However, the beauty and engineering of this material thing should
not be underestimated. It was exactly as I described it and, without getting
too ahead of myself, so has every iPhone since – right up to my current and
brand new iPhone X. At the time, I was transitioning over to from PC to Apple Mac
computers as well. While the Apple product über-integration wasn’t a “thing”
yet, the quality and stability of Mac OSX was becoming legendary. My Blackberry
served its purpose, it did email really, really well and I held it up as the
gold-standard of its time – I still do. But that first iPhone, archaic by
today’s standards, did email as well, but it also did so much more.
Since that first iPhone, I have upgraded to every major
version since. I have been an early adopter and sometimes, like this time, a
first adopter. Once, and only once, I did not pre-order and actually stood in
the ridiculously long release day line at the Apple store. It was not all that – it is
not an experience I’ll ever repeat. I do not have to be the first kid on my
block with a new toy. That experience revealed the ego attached and also that,
for me, it’s not about, “hey, look what I have and you don’t.” I like my toys,
but they don’t define me. And my newest toy? Yes, I like it, too. The iPhone X
is a step apart from and beyond what the iPhone has been for the past several
generations and, in one key respect, beyond all iPhones since the very first.
There is no “home” button. Actually, the home button on the
iPhone 7 and 8 is just a “virtual button,” a mere indentation in the glass that
resembles a button, but the “click” and the feel are simulated, there is no
actual button. But the iPhone X dispenses with any pretense, initiating new
conventions for accessing the contents and linkages in the flagship device.
Personally, it was a natural progression, an outgrowth of one convention to
another. It did not take long at all to “get used” to it. Indeed, it was as
though I already was. The new conventions – swiping up and such – are already
part of how the later generations of iPhones operate. The iPhone X just takes
it a step further.

Regarding the phone itself – it’s an iPhone. It works and it
works exceedingly well. This one is faster and sleeker than its processors. The
display is magnificent, but to really appreciate it, lay it next to an iPhone 7 Plus (which also has
an excellent display). It is
truly remarkably realistic. I do have just one gripe, if it can even be called
that. While the screen is taller than the “Plus” versions of the iPhones 6, 7
and 8, it is a little narrower. I wished they would have kept the width of the “Plus”
version phones. Having said that, it is nice to have a phone with a larger
overall screen fit in my hand. As much as I loved my iPhone 6 Plus and 7 Plus, it was a big phone.
I have more than a few friends asking if it’s worth it to go
with the iPhone X or settle for an iPhone 8. While I have no direct experience
with an 8 (however, both my son and my girlfriend have an iPhone 8 Plus), I
think the answer is couched in the "need vs. want paradigm." The iPhone 8 and 8
Plus are, technologically, very much as robust as the iPhone X. Also, the
form-factor is the same as the iPhone 7 and very close to the iPhone 6. The
iPhone X is a departure – if you are into the newest stuff, like I am, then by
all means, get the iPhone X. If you are just looking to upgrade and older
iPhone, the iPhone 8 will amaze you, even over an iPhone 7. And, of course, the
iPhone X will still be amazing when the iPhone 11 is released next year. Amazing and
cheaper. The iPhone X is not a logical choice, but not everything is logical.
Some things not only defy logic, they transcend it.