My first year of full-time professing (which, I must assume,
is the act a professor performs) is in the books. It is not my first rodeo,
however. Indeed, I have been professing semi-professionally, without the title,
for some time now. Now with the nebulous title, “adjunct professor,” I can lay
claim to a vocation that is as enigmatic as it is intuitive. Enigmatic because
so many, including many of us, cannot say what, exactly, it is we do. We are
more than just teachers; we are more than just researchers; and when it comes
to professing, speaking for myself at least, the ambiguity of language itself
leaves me questioning what that actually means. While I do, for the most part,
know what I am doing, I am often not as good at doing it as I wish. My
dissertation advisor at LSU once told me that his job extends well beyond
mentoring his advisees through grad school. He is part counselor, part friend,
part colleague and part many other things, as necessary. That’s the intuitive
part - we know we are more than teachers and we can feel that what that is is an important distinction, but
I cannot articulate with any more precision what that “more” actually is.

But some of it is. That’s where the “now what?” comes in. In
the past eight years, my summers have been loaded with an abundance of “free”
time, but not all of it was and, depending on which summer we’re talking about,
it might have been difficult to differentiate it from the preceding spring or
the upcoming fall. This is the first summer since 2009 in which I am not a grad
student. My graduate career officially comes to an end in August, but for all
intents and purposes, I’m done. I threw in the towel on the Ph.D., but I am
coming away with another MA just before I time out on it. What that means is
more time this summer. It doesn’t mean I have all summer, but a much larger
proportion of it belongs to me. Now what? Part of that what is this - writing. I am also going to be
reading for my own entertainment, enlightenment, interest, etc., too. But I
will be reading for “work,” as well. I’ll be reading a new edition of a
textbook and creating curriculum for one class in the hopes I will get a
section or two next fall (adjuncts rarely ever know what we will teach until just
before we get to teach it). But even with that, I have a lot of time on my
Years ago - at least 10 years, probably more - I discovered
something in me that I kind of knew was there, but never paid too much attention.
Very broadly defined, it can be called “art.” Or artistry, or an artistic
nature, or artistic talent (aren’t all talents artistic?), but to be as clear as
possible, let’s just call it “art.” I found art in me. I always wished I had
art in me, but felt that when it came to such things, I was not so blessed. I
could not sing, I could not play music, I could not draw, I could not paint, I
could not sculpt, I could not write poetry. I still can’t, but I can write. I don’t know how or why this “gift”
found me, but for a long time I wished a different one did. I am not exactly a “voracious”
reader, but there have been long periods of my life that I could be described as
such. I don’t know if there is a genetic component and I can’t (nor will I) say
that some definition of “god” bestowed me with this ability. Despite all this,
I finally acknowledged and embraced not only the fact that I have this artistic
talent, but, more importantly, that I have art in me. Furthermore, I believe
everyone does. Some are obviously more gifted than others (I am among the “others,”
not the “some”), but we all have it.

That’s what.
Nice, get to it then...
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