I’ve been doing some cyber housecleaning lately. That includes
moving and reconfiguring various things ranging from the physical hardware
components of my electronic “self” to the intangible binary ones and zeroes that
combine in infinite combinations to constitute the vastness of my recorded experience.
Just as an aside, as vast as that vastness is, it is but a drop in the bucket
of my overall life experience. That is, what is held in my physiological,
emotional and spiritual databases exceeds by many orders of magnitude my
experience stored as electromagnetic ones and zeroes on electronic storage
devices. But that’s not what this is about. Despite my cyber-life being a small
fraction of my life overall, it is still a huge amount of what we understand to
be data in the age of information. Moving it, reorganizing it, and ever so
cautiously deleting much of it turned out to be all consuming, not just time
consuming. Added to this task one must also consider the various and sundry virtual
rabbit holes that demand to be explored… the adventure becomes almost real.
For the last couple of hours I have been in one such rabbit
hole. It used to have a name – it was once called the “Blogosphere.” Not unlike
Alice’s Wonderland, this blog-world has many curious things in it. It is an old
world, almost ancient when placed into its Internet evolutionary place. It is
also an eerie, odd place. It is a place I once new very well, but like so much
else of late, the Blogosphere is barely recognizable to me anymore. It is
evolving and its ancient remnants are disappearing, disintegrating,
decomposing. Even the name, “Blogosphere,” no longer means anything to those
who were not there. And like it, we are disappearing, too. No, we are not generally
so old yet to be physically dying off like the civilizations of antiquity, but
with the new, we are abandoning - we have
abandoned - the old. And all that data… That indestructible data that was
supposed to be immune to the deterioration of time – no pages to rot, no ink to
fade, instant, error free and precise
replication. We created a form of data storage and transmission that would
never fade away. And yet, the Blogosphere, like Myspace, Tripod, Compuserve,
AOL, and the computer bulletin boards of the early Internet are not just fading
from memory; they are fading completely, physically.

I have a list of links to blogs I
used to frequent on a regular basis. The authors of those blogs would visit
mine regularly as well. The Blogosphere was more of a Blogoverse with various discrete
communities, or Blogospheres, populating it. Every different community had its
own character and not unlike the real world, there was plenty of intersection amongst
various different communities. After just now visiting those in my community, I
have found that most have moved away - and many without a trace. A handful
still have a presence on the Internet, their sites are still there, but they were left abandoned with no new activity for the past three, four, five
or more years. Some left a “farewell” post with a forwarding address
consisting of their Facebook profiles. Others indicate they have created new
blogs, the links to which are equally dead. Some URLs are “for sale” and some
forward to non-existent places or, weirder still, foreign language sites that
have seemingly nothing to do with the URL or the name of the site. Squatters have
taken over, or, perhaps it is the cyber equivalent of overgrown foliage taking
over a once thriving homestead. For the most part, my old neighborhood is a ghost
This is progress. I am as much a
part of this mass migration away from this pivotal Internet building block as I
was a contributor to its creation. My last post in this blog, The 25 Year Plan (now just shy of its 10th
anniversary), was last June. Prior to that, I was more prolific than in recent
years, but of the 550+ posts written since this blog’s inception, the vast
majority were written in the first five years. I have not visited another blog
on my “blogroll” (my “neighbors”) in many, many months, probably some years. And
I cannot remember the last time I read a post or left a comment on someone else’s
blog. Progress. For my part, I do not limit my Facebook presence to sound-bite
sized posts, although many are. I remember where I came from, I value the power
of the written word. In owe much to the Blogosphere and my neighbors there.
Some moved to Facebook, too, and we are “friends” there. But I bet they would
tell you it’s not the same.
For many, it is difficult, perhaps
even inconceivable to imagine that a platform such as Facebook will ever be relegated
to an Internet ghost town. And maybe, just maybe Mark Zuckerberg found that
perfect formula that will stand the test of time. I wouldn’t bet on it, though.
Something different, probably even easier and faster than Facebook will come
down the pike. It will probably, with the speed of technology today, happen
even faster than anyone can predict. It will blindside us. Many will find
themselves wandering around the Facebook ghost town, much like the Myspace
ghost towns today, wondering what happened. It’s progress.