This morning I got to thinking about faith in much the same way I must have ten years ago. I was
experiencing a lack of it and it got me to thinking about writing something about
it. Writing almost always helps when I am uneasy about something – anything. I
figured it would be blog fodder, so I searched my blog for the keyword, “faith.”
I was pretty sure it was the title of a past post and indeed it was. I didn’t
plan to do more than scan it to see if my views have changed much and, more
importantly, to see if I have anything new to add to the discussion. And
although it is among the longest essays posted to The 25 Year Plan, it sucked me in… and I remembered what it was
that inspired what are some of my more profound reflections. It’s one of those pieces where I’d say, “Man, I wish
I’d written that,” except with this one, I did.
At the time I was emerging from a
particularly dark period in my life. I was 42 years old and the past three to
four years were chaotic, to say the least. It painted a picture of emergence,
an enlightenment, a point in my life in which I finally got past much of the
denial that was ruling me. I finally accepted my world as I had created
it. No more finger pointing, a huge reduction in ego and some much needed
humility were all key components to that particular “awakening.” In that old
essay I went to great lengths to qualify faith; I looked at many things that
faith might or might not be. I sincerely attempted to look outside the box, to
view the world from a more metaphysical perspective. I believed what I wrote.
Ten years later, my beliefs have changed. It’s not that I no
longer have faith, indeed, that faith is stronger than ever. However, it is far
less metaphysical than it once was. Regardless, my faith still wavers sometimes
and this morning it did just that. I was looking at circumstances - my distant
past, my recent past, my immediate future and my distant future – and I became
profoundly ill at ease in the present. And it hit me. More often than not, when
I am feeling that sort of uneasiness, it is precisely a lack of faith, but
I rarely ever know it. I am much more likely to identify this thing that
happened or that thing that didn’t and from that project into an inevitability,
or at least a likelihood, of what those things foretell. Obviously, if the
“signs” point to what I want, I’m cool. But if they point to an (imagined)
outcome that is not what I “want,” I am decidedly not cool.
The revelation? Simple enough, even if it did take 52+ years
to come to it. Life itself is a gamble. Everyday the world is out to get me,
the things that can stop me, the things that can kill me, the things that can
shatter my dreams are literally everywhere.
Yet, everyday, I get up and go on. I move about my day knowing the real risks
involved – something is likely to go “wrong” and the chances that I might not
survive the day are real. I make a bet everyday. I bet that I will survive it
and, more importantly, that in the long run it will be worth it. It is a bet I
could not make if I didn’t believe that I had a good enough chance of winning.
I used to gamble at casinos a lot. I did it not because
gambling is so much fun, but because I believed it would be worth it – I
believed that I would win. I had faith. Sometimes I did win, but after losing
enough over a long enough period of time, I no longer have any faith that
casino gambling will pay off. I have lost my faith in casinos. As a result I rarely
ever play anymore and when I do I am done at $50 – and often not even that. I
don’t believe I will win and once it stops being fun (again, $50 tops), I’m
I think that if I ever felt that about life, I would no
longer be here. In that respect I think that even those with very little faith must
have enough to go on one more day. The risk must be worth the gamble. So what
is faith? It is much simpler than I ever thought it was. It is simply the
belief that no matter what happens, I will have enough reason to place that bet
another day. That does not mean that any specificity in that bet will necessarily pay off.
It does not mean I’ll get that job, that house, that contentment, that love,
that relationship, those friends, the health or even the serenity I hope for.
It simply means that I still believe I could and it is worth one more day of
Simply, yes.
Simple is always better...
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