In life, there is an ongoing cycle of seniority. We are constantly clawing our way to the top of the heap only to start at the bottom of the next heap. We go from grade school to high school… then to college or career, but always there is a pinnacle beyond which is another ladder. I have just reached the top of one heap and now must start at the bottom of the next. Although my accomplishments at Sacramento State are noteworthy, even impressive (final semester grades just in: Three “A” and one “A-” for a 3.925 GPA), they are only footnotes on my resume now. I have to prove myself all over again.
I can’t do that unless I get my foot in the door and although I don’t know for sure if my hair would get in my way or not, there is that chance and past experience tells me it is a pretty good chance. It might not be fair, but it is nothing new. These are the rules and if I want to work in the professional arena, I must look the part. I know how to play the game; I’ve been here before. Once I am established and I am judged on my work, I can grow my hair as long as I damn well please - now is not that time.

How, where and even if I will benefit from having short hair is and always will be unknown - at best an intangible. But there is one absolute benefactor; I will be donating 13+ braided inches of healthy hair to an organization known as “Locks of Love.” Their mission statement:
Locks of Love is a public non-profit organization that provides hairpieces to financially disadvantaged children under age 18 suffering from long-term medical hair loss from any diagnosis. We meet a unique need for children by using donated hair to create the highest quality hair prosthetics.

It will not be simply swept up and thrown away. This is, in my humble opinion, reason enough to cut off my hair and although I will certainly benefit personally, the truth is I already have. My hair will live on… it will help some child who is suffering from the same irrational judgment from hair loss as I was from having too much.
Game, set, match - we win.

Mike...you did a good thing :). I agree that, fair or not, you'll have a better shot getting your foot in the door with the new 'do. I actually think it looks great...are you adjusting to it well?
I like the long hair, too...maybe someday, as you say, you can grow it out again...but for now, you look very nice...enjoy the compliments!
Hooray! and congratulations, once again, Mike. You have climbed many mountains recently, figuratively and otherwise. You look great!
Well, I guess that's one way to make a descisive new start. Good luck to you!
At least the 13+ is going to a good cause. Good luck in 2008. I just know it will be a good year.
Awesome! One of the kindergarten teachers at my local elementary grows her hair out and donates it, then goes short for awhile, then grows it again...
It's such a cool thing to be able to do. You've got lots of admiration from me!
I had long hair - almost down to my tail bone - from age 15-23. At school I had the longest hair in 5th Form (age 15/16) including the girls. I got it all (mostly) cut off on a whim just after starting University. Everyone was *so* surprised!
i'm with mckay.....:)
We have a very active Locks of Love in our little community; school kids, parents, men and women and a very special stylist that does these cuts for free. You did a really good thing...and the result...handsome!
Wow, you look grown up and respectable now! ;-) Seriously though, you did a good thing. I did that years ago myself. Oh, Vancouver Calling is no more. Click on my icon to follow me to my new blog. I am in the rebuilding stages and trying to remember the addresses for all the bloggers I had on my sidebar, before I deleted everything.
I hate to admit this, but you look even hotter. You know I LOVE long hair on men, but I have to admit, you look mighty fine. I am growing my hair for locks of love too. Check out the photo on my blog...I think I got a bit carried away :)
1) I can't believe you've cut your hair...let me just take another look..hmmmmm....( going back to your pics..)
2)Why' Mr. Althouse...the ladies are right'....You are even more a "hottie" with your new look...hee! hee!..And all for a good cause :>
3)I hope everything is well with you....And since I'm going out for a drink tonight'..me' promise to give one tequila shot in celebration of you :>..take care.
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