I am often asked how I am doing. Everyone is, it seems. It has become a greeting suffix. “Hello, how are you doing?” It is a question that carries with it a de facto response of, “Good (or for those who insist upon grammatical correctness, “Well”), how are you?” Even if things are not so good, we don’t say so, it’s not part of the ritual. There is nothing terribly wrong with this and I guess that among close friends the question is a true expression of concern. Strangers and acquaintances don’t really want to know how you are, just that you are “good” (or again… “well”).
I bring all this up not because I want people to stop this ritual, I really don’t care nor do I expect my pointing it out will change anything. It is hardly a revelation - it’s an observation that is made regularly. But just as a response in the negative is not expected, neither is a response in the extreme positive. My response of late has been something like, “Never better, on top of the world, glad to be alive, etc. - and you?” It opens the door to how we are really feeling and often I am asked why I feel so good.
Although I can point to some very specific things in my life that I am satisfied… more than satisfied with, it’s far more than that. It defies definition and is impossible to explain in passing conversation. It is not a phenomenon that occurred overnight, but rather took some work, some patience and being present in my life. It is a combination of physical, emotional and spiritual harmony - a convergence of sorts that I doubt I could orchestrate and never predict. I am in a good space and others notice - I am attracting those who place value on the positive.
There is a synergistic effect that produces more positive energy. It’s palpable - you can almost taste it. The best part? There is no limit - it is unlimited. I can respond to life in a way that fosters growth or languish in a static tailspin - the choice is mine. It’s easier today to take the positive highroad; positive energy begets positive energy and after slowly working it up, the level is good and getting better everyday. The evidence in my life is overwhelming and just when I think it couldn’t be better, opportunity comes calling again out of the clear blue.
Perhaps I’m just a lucky S.O.B. Maybe it’s just my turn for fortune to smile upon me. I guess I could believe that and it might even be true - a great cosmic coincidence that I had nothing to do with. I grant that is possible, but I don’t buy it. I believe that through slowly and steadily placing one foot ahead of the other, I have crossed that great divide that separates those who merely survive from those who thrive. It’s not about stuff, it’s not about money (trust me) and it’s not about popularity; it’s about knowing who I am and liking that person. It’s about right here right now. It’s good to be alive.
Amen to that, mon ami. The secret to a life well lived is stunningly simple, yet so completely missed by the majority of people on this planet.
I'll mull this one over as I head into week four of my new career experience. So much opportunity lies ahead that it's difficult to know what to bite off first. But bite I shall. With gusto.
I feel like I've been given a boost of smiles reading this, Mike. I don't have time this morning to write the post i want to, but it is in a similar vein....will try to put my own thoughts online tonight....
your contentment and joie de vivre is contagious.
"I am in a good space and others notice - I am attracting those who place value on the positive."
It's natural law, Mike, you attract what you are putting forth. It is indeed a choice (actually a series of choices) - and everyone has the ability to make that happen in their lives, if only they would believe.
My glass is always half-full - even when it is really empty. It's the only way to be.
Mike said: I believe that through slowly and steadily placing one foot ahead of the other, I have crossed that great divide that separates those who merely survive from those who thrive. It’s not about stuff, it’s not about money (trust me) and it’s not about popularity; it’s about knowing who I am and liking that person. It’s about right here right now. It’s good to be alive.
That's *exactly* right. It can take a while but the journey is definitely worth taking. Even when things get hard such an attitude - a state of mind - can get you through just about anything. It's because your happiness is not dependent on things external to you. You have learnt that happiness is independent of 'stuff'. Very few people make it that far. It's an impressive achivement.
It actually reminds me a bit of the Buddhist way of thinking or Ancient Greek ideas of Virtue.
This is so true.
I am one like Judy, the glass is half-full.....why not? If I am not this way there are days when I feel defeated before I get out of bed. It changes your life when you realize all the things that DONT bring happiness....
And the younger you can do that....the better.
What an uplifting post, although that is truly no surprise, since you are such an uplifting person.
And yes, it's good to be alive. Very good!
I am in a good space and others notice - I am attracting those who place value on the positive.
There you go! such a positive post and pleasant reading.
Michele sent me for a positive start this morning!
yo. how YOU doin'?
What a great post.There are things that happen in our lives that we may not like, but cannot change. Your choices are to wallow in self pity, or to move on. If you don't choose the later, you are basically not living anymore. Just eisting. Michele sent me.
awesome post. You're truly right. And by the way, "I'm fine, thank you". I've also answered, "Checked the obits, I'm not there, so I'm doing well!"
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