Today is library day. I have a term paper due on Monday morning and it is still about 75 percent unfinished. I don’t need the library because of what is has (books, articles and other research materials), but because of what it doesn’t. There is no TV, phone or a million other distractions. There is quiet, solitude and an environment conducive to serious writing.
Until tomorrow…
Good luck finishing the paper...
Oh and michele says hi!
Good luck, indeed.
When I was in college, the library was the worst place to go study because I would invariably notice a title on a shelf and go straight to it. Or, if I actually made it to a table to study, I saw someone I knew and would start gabbing.
Did I just say, "gabbing?"
Good luck, although I don't think you'll need it. You are a very good writer!
though my husband works at the library on campus.....libraries make my feet twitch. I have always been someone who can focus on a term paper or a report of some kind while sitting at the dining room table.
Bon chance....! I'm tiptoeing out of here..... :)
i echo the good wishes - wish i could dissapear to such a place - might just kick start the last chapters of my book....
Just dropped in to say hi and good luck -- I'm leaving before I start talking too loudly...
No better place to write, think, read or focus like a library... I love those places! My senior year in high school I "discovered" the main library in downtown Oslo. I would ride the subway down there every day after school to do my homework or study for exams. Walking up the wide steps, between the columns into that centry-old buildng, breathing in that scent of old books would send me straight into a wonderfully different world.
When I used to go to Chico State, the only floor I could get some studying done was on the 3rd floor. The other ones were too social to get anything done. That's Chico State for you.
Have fun :)
I love to use the library for writing purposes. Unfortunately, it does have wireless internet, which is as distracting as TV...
I used to find kids sleeping on open book pages in my university library! The fifth floor was especially quiet n comfy it seemed! Bet you're pretty burnt out after all the furious compostion...
Good Luck, then rest up-
I tried to work in my University library - but found I had a serious distraction.... far too many good looking young women!
Good luck with your paper Mike!
You know that I love this shot Mike! LINES!
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