It rained for about two days straight. Storm drains were getting a little overwhelmed and there was “localized” flooding. Nothing really serious, it was just a lot of water to handle all at once. Now that the rain has stopped for a few hours, everything is drying out. Even those who don’t like the rain aren’t complaining - much. Although they have a genuine and often vocal dislike for inclement weather, they know we need the rain. It was an extremely dry January.

I like the rain and snow and wind and fog and whatever other “unpleasantry” Mother Nature throws at us. I don’t like to see people suffer because of it, but I am left quite humbled by the force of even a simple squall, never mind a full-blown storm. I have been in more than a few of Mother Nature’s more intense displays and found that there is great satisfaction in riding them out. It’s unpredictable, uncontrollable and sometimes very intimidating.
Although this recent “rain event” was nothing to get excited about, it still leaves a freshness in its wake. Everything is clean - washed by the rain as it were - and brand new again. It smells fresh. There is a slight chill and the humidity is still high. Despite the cloud cover, the blue sky peeking out is crystal clear. And although it probably isn’t any different from any other Sunday afternoon,
it feels quieter… much more serene.
The TV is off, the kids are not around and I have the entire house to myself. What to do? Perhaps light a fire, grab a book, my newspaper and some coffee and just revel in the tenuous peace I’ve stumbled onto. It won’t last, and there are plenty of goings-on external to my cozy little world that are not so cozy at all. But for the moment - for a few moments - the world will have to wait. Now is the time to relax and reflect. The rain will come again.
As long as I don't have to go out in it, I love a rainy afternoon I can spend with a good book (or some blog posts!).
Savor every second Mike.
enjoy the quiet.........good ideas often arrive during still moments.
I have a nice cloud shot posted yeserday. So far no rain way down here in Ceder tornados or hurricanes eiher.
just make sure you light the fire in the proper area, you don't need that disaster ;)
Cool observation, Mike. As I stare out at a deep-frozen world, I can't imagine what it must be like to have rain. But it won't be long before winter's worst clears out and the lake effect-driven thunderstorms begin to march inland.
The joys of appreciating the rhythms of nature are many.
I've stood in the middle of so many rainfalls..some faint and soft as falling cotton tails from the sky...some pelting down in gush torrents just bent on cleansing...And late last year..with the most furious yell...I remember the feel of pins and needles hitting me with force as I stood there unbelieving that such torrent could exist at a time when I was alone...
And I live in a place were flooding is no surprise..and I've felt the fear of being caught in one..of seeing... disbelieving that water can rise with such deathly anger..aimed on swallowing anything on its path..and...most of all..
I remember the rains of my childhood..of splashing in puddles without a care...I remember too the last time I played... in the rain .... I was 18...
And now...I don't play in the rain anymore...nope..
I just weather it...
... the rains..that pour inside of me...
( I especially enjoyed reading this post.and listening to the song..thank you..and um' your visual verifications speak japanese...I swear!)
Nothing like a good, rainy day to clear things up -- both inside and outside.
Enjoy the solitude!
Fabulous post.
Sounds wonderful Mike.
I love playing when it rains!
The thing is, we need the rain. Our canals (I'm just outside of San Francisco now, no longer up north by you) are almost empty. The hills were brown up until recently. If it didn't rain, we'd have a drought. I was really worried up until a few days ago.
Rain sure beats the 12 feet of snow some New York State residents got this week!
I like being rainy when I don't have to travel in it- MA had it's share of heavy rain-floods the past several years.
Your sky is always darker cobalt color than on the Cape here where the sea-mist always affects the color, making it lighter. It's difficult to get the blue in my pics at all... so many clouds forming over the water.
Have a good week1
Peace is just we need sometimes and I love the Winter. Enjoy while it lasts. I also love Been Awhile!! Thanks for that one.
Rain, peace, solitude. My type of scenario.
Hope that good feeling stays with you for the duration of this week.
Sounds positively delicious.
Hey Mike. I love rainy weather. We had nearly 2 weeks of non-stop rain over in December and early January, no thanks to the monsoon. If you can believe it, it was actually chilly here in normally hot, muggy Singapore. That's the kind of weather to be home, with a good book and cuppa tea, don't you think? The hot weather's back and is going to get hotter. Sigh!
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