It’s time to take a break from the serious. The trials and tribulations, both the mundane pressures of life and the deadlines - as well as the acute moments that are often the defining bookmarks in life – all will have to sit patiently awaiting their turn in this space. It’s time for something completely useless. Yes, this space for compound reflections and whimsical insight today will yield to the inane – though perhaps no less profound.
Snaggle Tooth recently alerted me to a blog written by a journalist from Ontario. Written Inc is off-the-cuff yet professional at the same time. Carmi is a journalist who seems to have the right attitude, and a uniquely down-to-earth perspective that I admire very much. He is also a whiz with a camera – a skill I am only just beginning to develop.
In a recent post, Carmi inspired me to turn the camera on myself. Admittedly, it is an act that takes me well outside of my comfort zone. Ironically enough, I inadvertently did snap a shot of myself while waiting to do an interview. It wasn’t what I meant when I said I would give it a go, I was just screwing around with exposures and aperture while I was waiting and WHAM, there it was.

Although I pretty much got stood up on my interview, I did find some interesting things to shoot.

I hope you all had a great day and thank you all for the kind words and thoughts – it meant an awful lot!
Thanks for stopping by. And for the advice. There's always room for another good idea!
i like the pics, "what's afoot?"
here from michele
OBTW Carmi is from London, Ontario canada
Thanks for mentioning me!
I've done many self-portaits (like the one here) but like few- I figure, someday when I'm ancient I'll think I looked good...
Yours did make me chuckle! Thanks-
That's an interesting self portrait. I hope your son is doing OK. Here from Michele's
glad things are looking up (hummm actually they were looking down I guess as we saw your shoes! lol)
Hope your son is good!
aren't Carmi's pix gorgeous!
hi from michele's.
Michele sent me over, Mr Althouse.
I'm very sorry to hear about your son. I can't imagine how horrible it must have felt when you first saw his friend's car and then later in the hospital.
Carmi is a great influence. Solid writing and such flare with a camera. I really like macro photography and seeing close ups like this one of leaves that you took appeals to me a lot.
I love your shot of the leaves, especially the angle. Makes it look like a sea...
Thanks for the visit!
Hi Mike. Thank you for making my weekend with this entry. I became a writer because I wanted to make a difference in the world around me. I'm a hopeless idealist, so when I see my little blog reaching out as it has, I'm touched.
I like your self-portrait. Unintentional photography often results in the coolest pictures. The leaves on the ground are lovely. Hanulf is right: the composition absolutely sings.
Can't wait to see what you come up with next.
Still thinking of you and your son, and praying...
They look like dancin' feet........
PS. Just found out there's a digital camera waiting for me under the tree...... can't wait to figure out how to use one and will post pics too.
Not bad for your first shots!
I like stopping by Carmi's site too.
Hi from Michele's.
That qz gal has undeniably the most excellent and practical advice. :)
Hope all is well now.
I'll have a drink for you later.
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