In the coming weeks, one may stop by the Colfax Record’s website to find a number of my published stories – I won’t be announcing them all here. Of course, if there happens to be some news of more universal significance, I may mention it. If I write a column that has more than just local appeal, I may note it. If I write a piece that garners recognition, stirs controversy or is in anyway noteworthy, I will send out the alert.
I expect that most of what I write will be of the goings on in the small Sierra foothill community of Colfax. This assignment is designed to give me real world experience, not just in the writing, but also from the reading… or rather, the readers. Real people that are directly affected by what’s happening in their community and the role I play in delivering that news to them. It is not a little deal.
This week, I wrote a straight news story about the Chamber of Commerce hiring a new executive director. I was in the office no more than 30 seconds when I was assigned this story. Although not extremely long or involved, I was surprised at how much work and thought went into it. Click here to link directly to it.
I also wrote a column in which I introduce myself to the readers of the Record. This was right up my ally… it’s the sort of writing that I do best. I hope to be able to write these pieces regularly. It appears as though there is a good chance. To read these 800 odd words (give or take), click here.
To link directly to the paper, click the title of this post. It prints every Thursday, but the online version is published Wednesday evening. This is going to be a crazy summer. Let the games begin!
And we can say we knew you "when"! ;o) Good job, hon. You're the bomb! But a guy as successful and talented as you are is sure to get published if he wants to be.
Bravo for the internship! We all know how talented you are... now your part of the US can see that talent printed in an actual periodical. The more they read, the more they'll come to love your work as we do. You are a star... but then we all knew that already!
VERY COOL! I read the story. Did you interview her or just do research?
I am excited for you. Yes, it will be busy but you know you love it! Rock on Michael Althouse the Published Writer!!
oooo. you're gonna be famous! can i touch you?
seriously, congrats. you're living what lots of people dream about doing.
just read the articles. my favorite part: "writing with live ammo"
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